We are building the next generation of commerce experiences and infrastructure
At Lana we push ideas, innovation and dreams forward.
Our Community

Lana is more than just a company; it's a community scattered across the globe — seven countries on five continents. We could not be what we are today if it weren't for every single member of our community.

We foster an environment that our people are excited to be a part of, because they know they are surrounded by people with similar enthusiasm.

Pushing Forward With Passion
We need people with drive — with an insatiable desire to keep innovating, tinkering and moving forward. When a problem needs solving, our team eagerly and tirelessly attacks it from all angles, maybe even discovering some new angles along the way! “Trunkers” are ambitious, creative and unwilling to give up in the face of adversity.
Lana is more than just a company; it's a community scattered across the globe — seven countries on five continents.
We want you — and whatever makes you "you"

It's not uncommon for people to try to mold themselves into a perceived standard — some nebulous idea of the "ideal employee." In the process, they become generic, losing all the qualities that make them stand out.

We don't need an automaton, a cog, or just another warm body. At Lana, we want you exactly as you are, with all your eccentric details and colorful quirks. More often than not, those quirks foster innovation, collaboration and one-of-a-kind ideas. They make the best work and promote a superior work environment.

Diversity Matters

Some people see unity and individuality as opposites; at Lana, we see them as intrinsically interconnected.

We value diversity of every kind: of thought, of background, of innate abilities, of qualities, of identity, and more. Too often, other companies don't see this as a priority. They worry that too much diversity may invite confusion, discord and chaos. We heartily disagree!

Lana is a proud equal opportunity employer. The diversity of our team is a testament to this.