Our Security Commitment
Lana fosters the durable, unyielding trust of its merchants. It's a top priority for us.
Serious on Security
Lana takes merchant security very seriously. With each passing day, new security concerns and vulnerabilities develop and evolve to threaten people's data — both ours and yours. That's why we never rest when it comes to security.
Encryption at Rest
AES-256 may sound like a random string of numbers and letters, but we can assure you that it's much more. It's the same encryption used by most banks and the military. Cryptography experts say it would take approximately 1 billion years to crack this standard of encryption. The way we see it, if it's good enough for leading banks, it should meet our customers’ high standards.
Securely stored in the cloud

Our data is stored in the cloud — in our case, Google Cloud Platform. It's easily accessed by those who are authorized and unreachable by those who are not. In fact, Google employs over 500 people in its security team, including some of the world's foremost security experts.

Considering how many hundreds of millions of people safely engage with Google daily, we think we're in pretty good company.

Certified Security
Every aspect of Lana's security, from the big to the small, is certified safe. Lana itself is a PCI DSS certified service provider. Google Cloud Platform is audited routinely and is certified to the most rigorous degree under PCI DSS as well as SOC 1, ISAE 3402, SOC 2, SOC 3, ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.